We Love Lights 3.5
Released: April 16, 2023
New Features
- Added search toolbar item for lights, devices, scenes, motion sensors, switches and status sensors (Studio Mode only)
- Favorites for lights, devices and scenes (for both Menu and Studio Mode)
- Added sorting capabilities in Studio Mode (e.g. sort by name)
- Added "select all" via ⌘+A keyboard shortcut for lists in Studio Mode
- Drag and drop to re-sort for status sensor list
- New search field in hotkey settings window
Resolved Issues
- Improved performance for logging
- Fixed error/feature submission by transferring mail submission process
- Fixed an error that may occur when using "Launch at Login"
- Fixed an issue when using auto-configured switches that caused auto-removal of some related rules
- Minor layout improvements
We Love Lights 3.4.2
Released: December 16, 2022
New Features
- Demo mode for testing the app without requiring an active hub connection
Resolved Issues
- Fixes missing context menu for Scenes and Status Sensors (macOS Ventura only)
We Love Lights 3.4.1
Released: December 14, 2022
New Features
- Added button in Switches configuration to quickly switch over Cycle State mode (offering Automatic Configuration)
- App-wide keyboard shortcut (Cmd+W) to hide the App Window
Resolved Issues
- Fixes some translation issues
- Fixes missing context menu for Motion Sensors and Switches
- Fix for an issue where toolbar buttons are missing in some rare cases
We Love Lights 3.4
Released: November 29, 2022
New Features
- Support for Shortcut App
- Breaking change: macOS 12+ required as minimum target
Resolved Issues
- Fixes and issue with renaming resources that may not properly work in macOS Ventura
We Love Lights 3.3.4
Released: November 14, 2022
Resolved Issues
- Fixes an issue that caused connection issues after stand-by, hibernate, or Wifi re-connect
We Love Lights 3.3.3
New Features
- Reload button to enforce bridge update
- Support color gamuts for innr Lights
- Show light id tooltip for each light circle in the scene info dialog
- Automatically hide helper scenes that are generated by the Philips Hue app
Resolved Issues
- Fix for an issue that might prevent "scene creation" dialog to close
- Current group will be pre-selected in "scene creation" dialog
- Fix for an issue that causes the Feature/Bug Reporter to not reset properly
- Fix for an isues that casue no propoer single-selection context menu for scenes and/or devices
We Love Lights 3.3.2
Released October 24, 2022
New Features
- Quickly open Studio in Menu Mode with Hotkey or Command-Click onto app icon
- Better visibility that a list section is collapsed
Resolved Issues
- Fix some layout issues in macOS Ventura
- App requires restart when changing Run Mode
- Fix an issue that causes app crash during log file rotation
- Fix an issue for deCONZ in Bug Reporter
We Love Lights 3.3.1
Released: September 24, 2022
Resolved Issues
- Remove menu entry in Menu Mode to remove "Add new Bridge"
- Fix a bug where existing lights cannot be added to Zones
- Fix an issue where the "Add new resource" menu may show all available entries while no bridge is paired
- Fix a bug where changed sort order in Studio is not immediately reflected when opening Menu from status bar
- Fix some bugs that caused energy impact improvements not work properly
- Change CycleService interval to 5 secs
- Fix some bug that may cause memory leaks
- Fix to not show LightGroups for Hue bridges
We Love Lights 3.3
Released: September 16, 2022
New Features
- Configuration wizard for Motion sensors (Time-based pattern and generic pattern)
- Configuration wizard for Switches (Scene-cycle pattern and generic pattern)
- Option to change icon of lights or devices
- Improve energy impact while app is inactive
- Show Switches in Menu Mode
- Wizard to add status items
Resolved Issues
- Fix missing compatibilities to Phoscon/deCONZ devices
- Some rewording and fixes in localization
- Fix a bug where connection appears offline in Menu Mode
- Fix a bug where "Welcome Panel" will not be shown
- Some polishments for the UI
We Love Lights 3.2
Released: June 16, 2022
New Features
- New color pickers for lights (temperature picker for color lights, hue/saturation picker, red/green/blue picker, CIE 1931 color space picker)
- Copy and Paste color and brightness values for lights
- Multi-selecting lights and scenes for batch re-ordering, deleting, hiding and pasting color/brightness
- Improved usability of creating, modifying and sorting rules for Motion Sensors
- Access status sensors
- Improve usability for adding resources (e.g. for new bridge, or lights and sensors)
- Simplify the usability to show/hide resources (e.g. button in the section header)
- Improved usability in Preferences for Bridges and Hotkeys
- Show color temperature while dragging slider for temperature picker
- Change icons of groups
- Show Motion Sensors in Menu Mode
- Restructured and improve usability in Menu Mode
- Remove Floating Mode (Studio Mode is stepping in)
- Bug Reporter can include bridge resources now
- Option in Preferences to hide app icon while being in Studio Mode
- New Switches can be added through the + menu
- Store last used bridge in multi-bridge mode
- Context menu on right-clicking the menu bar icon
Resolved Issues
- Fix a bug where menu items were not properly populated during initialization of Menu Mode while menu is open
- When switching on IPscan in Preferences window, it may happen that IPscan will still not be considering for bridge discovery
We Love Lights 3.1.4
Released: April 12, 2022
Resolved Issues
- Fix after changes in the bridge firmware 1.50
We Love Lights 3.1.3
Released: December 28, 2021
Resolved Issues
- Fixing an issue causing the app hanging after wake-up
We Love Lights 3.1.2
Released: December 24, 2021
Resolved Issues
- Fix crash when navigating through group list in Studio/Floating Mode
- Remove auto-hovering in group list while being in Floating Mode
We Love Lights 3.1.1
Released: December 10, 2021
Resolved Issues
- Do not unfold menu before downloading data from bridge in Menu Mode
- Scenes are not updated after launch causing no color gradients
- Studio Window is opening sometimes during launch while being in Menu Mode
- Background shining through Menu Mode Switch buttons
We Love Lights 3.1
Released: December 1, 2021
New Features
- Bring back Menu Mode (and combine it in a set of 3 different user interface modes)
- Option to open the app silently
- Close window on menu bar icon click while being in Floating Mode
- Minimized layout for Studio Mode and Floating Mode
Resolved Issues
- Remove shown Brightness slider for on/off plugs
- Fix Drag n Drop issue with Groups
- Fix Floating Mode not properly working in multi-screen setup
We Love Lights 3.0.2
Released: November 11, 2021
Resolved Issues
- Preference window cannot be opened from the menu
- Fix Window/Floating mode control
- Menubar icon not movable
- Invalid value for field ‘Summary’ when submitting Servicedesk request
We Love Lights 3.0
Released: October 30, 2021
New Features
- Rebuild User Interface based on SwiftUI
Resolved Issues
- Several fixes and improvements
We Love Lights 2.2.1
Released: October 12, 2020
New Features
- Remove of HueSDK to support Apple Silicon architecture
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue with Launch at Login after Macbook restart or waking up Macbook from sleep
- Fix missing status text during initial bridge detection
- Fix missing translatation for status view
- Fix missing characters in the status view
We Love Lights 2.2
Released: September 27, 2020
New Features
- Support for multiple connected Hue bridges
- Replace YouTracker with Redmine to improve stability of bug reporting
- Support for macOS Big Sur
- Add Hue bridges manually by adding its IP address (via Preference window)
- New preference option to enable/disable auto group enablement based on lights availability
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue that caused some Hue Bridges not being found in the local network
- Fix an issue that caused disconnection to Hue bridges after waking up Macbook from sleep or coming back from offline mode
- Fix an issue of wrong sorting
We Love Lights 2.1
Released: April 17, 2020
New Features
- Support for Zones: A zone describes a group of lights that can be controlled together. Zones can be useful to control a group of lights that belong to a specific area (e.g. attic of a house). Lights can be added to multiple zones.
Resolved Issues
- Improve slagginess of brightness and color sliders
- Fix a bug that caused chaotic light brightness states if brightness of groups are changed to quickly
- Fix a bug that leaves groups states to "ON", even though all comprises lights are not reachable anymore (e.g. after hard switch-off)
We Love Lights 2.0.2
Released: April 3, 2020
New Features
- Introduction of We Love Lights Studio: Create, Design and Organize your Hue bridge
- Not only groups, but all resources (Groups, Lights, Scenes) can be set hidden
- Create new rooms
- Create and design new Scenes
- Add existing Hue Lights to a room
- Search and add Zigbee lights not registered to the bridge yet
- Re-order your resources (Groups, Lights, Scenes) to your preferences via drag and drop
- Re-design connection handler to the bridge for better response and stability
- Show icons for each room
- Re-design of the preference window
- New preferences to re-adjust the look and feel of the menu
- Improved Bug Reporter and Feature Reporter with the capability to save and view your log file
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue that caused connection issues under specific network conditions
- Add missing support for vintage bulbs (filaments) & christmas tree light type
- Improve the delay to show updates to indicators after start-up and change of resource attributes
- Improve style of the App icon
We Love Lights 1.2.1
Released: January 07, 2020
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue with discovering new bridges for specific network conditions
- Fix an issue where not all group items have been cleaned-up after disconnecting from the bridge
We Love Lights 1.2
Released: December 17, 2019
New Features
- Support for Osram SMART+
- Hidden rooms (hover mouse over group switch)
- Option for "Launch at login" (app auto-start at login)
- Completely re-engineered the notification system to enable App napping and to improve the efficiency and development speed of the app
- All menu items are sorted in ascending order
- Improves text label of Scene Buttons
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue with Scene Buttons that did not properly render the buttons with some configurations
- Fix an issue that caused sudden changes of indicators after unfolding the menu
We Love Lights 1.1.2
Released: November 19, 2019
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue with Scene Buttons that made them hard to read in Dark Mode
- Fix an issue with the general display of Scene Button
We Love Lights 1.1.1
Released: November 11, 2019
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue that caused broken connection with some Macbook models
- Fix the foreground text color in the Changelog while being in Dark Mode
We Love Lights 1.1
Released: November 6, 2019
New Features
- Add a Getting Started and several help messages to give more explanations
- Add Release Notes
- Introduces a new API interface for increased flexibility and reliability
- Provid macOS Catalina compatibility
- Add alphabetic sorting of groups and lights
Resolved Issues
- Fix an issue that caused duplicate menu entries of groups and lights
- Fix some translations
- Fix the height of group light buttons
We Love Lights 1.0.1
Released: September 15, 2019
Resolved Issues
- Fix minor performance issues